On education (why to study constantly) & how to be successful & importance of books!
"Believe in yourself. Study the greats. And become greater."
"You can always dream, and your dreams can come true. But you have to make them come true."
"No matter who’s around you that is being negative or thrusting negative energy at you, totally block it off."
"Don't be afraid to know who you are. You are much more than you ever imagined."
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson's SECRET TO SUCCESS:
“l always told Michael, ‘you only get out of life what you put into it.’ I think those words stayed with him. Michael always knew what he wanted to do and how far he wanted to go. He believed in hard work, a positive attitude and perseverance. No matter what he set out to do in his career, he wouldn’t settle to just be ‘good’…it had to be his best. He worked tenaciously for as long as it took until he was satisfied with the outcome. His efforts did not stop there either. Above and beyond his tenacity was his vision.
"Michael would often write notes to himself. Sometimes he would scribble down a target date for his album to top the charts on his mirror, so he would see it every day as a reminder. He would then work and strategize toward actualizing his goal. Equally as ambitious, Michael always set very high professional targets for himself to surpass. He strived to be the best in his field, and to give everything he had to achieve his dream. For example, before the success of the THRILLER album, Michael was vocal about his intention to create the highest selling record of all time. He was a visionary and specific in his ambition.”
Katherine Jackson
"The deeper I go into myself, the stronger I become, because I realize that my real self is much bigger than any fear ."
"I know who I am inside and outside, and I know what I want to do. And I will always go with my dreams."
"I have confidence in my abilities. I have real perseverance. Nothing can stop me when I put my mind to it."
“Thinking is the process of asking and answering questions of yourself. If you want something better in life, a better answer to life…ask better questions.”
“The idea is to take it a step forward and to innovate or else why am I doing it? I’m just – I don’t wanna be just another can in the assembly line. You know, I want to create, do something that’s totally different and unusual.”
“I look at things and try to imagine what is possible and then, hope to surpass those boundaries.”
Michael Jackson
“Without dreams, there is no creativity. The creative impulse comes from discontent…a divine discontent that seeks to change, transform, and fill the world with more magic. My priority in life is to make a difference, step on an uncharted and unknown territory, and leave a fingerprint.”
Michael Jackson in Chicago Tribune Interview, 1992
“No barrier stood before this man that he didn’t challenge and break down.”
"We can program ourselves to be the person we want to be, whatever the subject matter is, live in it by a mental physical program- a system of learning and doing. Studying all the greats in that field and becoming greater."
Since his youth, Michael Jackson used a lot of positive affirmations that he often wrote on papers or mirrors
"I have learned that it is what you put in your mind mentally what you think and do, that makes your person. And you can put any mental object in this mind and it will bring it to reality. So this means we can program ourselves to be the people we want to be, Whatever the subject matter is, live in it By a mental physical program or system of learning and doing. Studying all the greats in that field and becoming greater. My program will consist of, = "
"I believe in wishes and in a person´s ability to make a wish come true. And a wish is more than a wish... it is a goal that your subconsiousness can help make reality."
"Whenever I saw sunset, I would quietly made my secret wish right before the sun tucket under the western horizon and disappereared. It would seem as if the sun had taken my wish with it. I´d make it right before that fast speck of light vanished."
"I´d stretch my arms out as if I were sending my thoughts right up into space. I´d made my wish, then I´d dive into water. I´d say to myself, ´This is my dream. This is my wish,´ everytime I´d dive into the water."
Michael Jackson
Another positive affirmation to himself:
Notes by MJ on his Bedroom Mirror (2009)
"No matter what, the most powerful thing in the world is the human mind and prayer, and belief in your self and confidence and perseverance. No matter how many times you do it, you do it again until it's right. And always believe in your self. And not matter who's around you that's being negative or thrusting negative energy at you, totally block it off. Because whatever you believe, you become. (...) and after all that, the most important -- most important: Stay humble. The humbleness that a child, like a new born baby has. Even though you become powerful or have power with people, with your talent .. like with what Michelangelo did with sculpting, you know, underneath all that be as humble as a child, as a baby, and be as kind and as giving and loving. They don't become puffed up with pride."
Michael Jackson, online audio chat, October 26th 2001
“In the end, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and those you love and work hard. Work like there's no tomorrow. Train. Strive. Really train and cultivate your talent to the highest degree. Be the best at what you do. Get to know more about your field than anybody alive. Use the tools of your trade, if it's books or a floor to dance on or a body of water to swim in. Whatever it is, it's yours. That's what I've always tried to remember ”
"Even if you're sweeping floors or painting ceilings, do it better than anybody in the world, no matter what it is that you do. Be the best at it, and have a respect for others, and be proud of yourself…and to honor, be honorable.”
“Our parents taught us to always be respectful and, no matter what you do, to give it everything you have. Be the best, not the second best.”
Question: "What achievements in your life are you the most proud of?"
Michael Jackson: "One of my biggest dreams since I was really, really little... I think around 7 years old, I use to always buy the Guinness World Book of Records. [Giggles] You know what the answer's gonna be right? I said, "Hmmm, I love to dance and sing. Hopefully one day I can be in this book." And I believed that it was possible. So when Thriller became the biggest selling album of all time, and it was enlisted in the Guinness Book Of World Records, and, uh, there's so many other lists... You know, they've enlisted me in there like 7 different times now.* It was my happiest time of my life. I was so happy.
Question: "To what do you attribute that level of ambition and possibility you felt when you were a kid. You know, I think it's sometimes hard for people to feel... You know, you weren't, obviously, rich as a kid or from some kind of fancy background, but still somehow you were able to envision a life of success. What do you attribute that to?"
Michael Jackson: "I attribute that to my parents who always taught us to persevere and believe in yourself, have confidence, no matter what you do. Even if you're sweeping floors or painting ceilings, do it better than anybody in the world, no matter what it is that you do. Be the best at it, and have a respect for others, and be proud of yourself.. and to honor; be honorable, you know.
Online audion chat, October 26, 2001
"Your curiosity is your greatest gift. Use it to expand your scope. Ordinary people won't understand your insatiable thirst for excellence. They won't bother to keep striving because it's too onerous, too difficult."
Michael Jackson to Kobe Bryant
Michael Jackson´s letter to himself:
Note to himself, which states his job, current income and his desired income in 45 days:
"To MJ - June 94
Present Job Title: is songwriter, entertainer, recording artist, actor, dancer, director
Present Weekly Income: A million a week
Job Title 45 weeks from now: Same...........
Weekly Income 45 weeks from now: 15 million a week
“The idea is to take it a step forward and to innovate or else why am I doing it? I’m just – I don’t wanna be just another can in the assembly line. You know, I want to create, do something that’s totally different and unusual.”
Michael Jackson
"One of the things he always told me was, don't be afraid to be different. In other words, when you have that desire, that drive, people are going to try to pull you away from that, and pull you closer to the pack to be 'normal.' And he was saying, It's O.K. to be that driven; it's O.K. to be obsessed with what you want to do. That's perfectly fine. Don't be afraid to not deviate from that. One of the books that he gave me that helped him communicate with me was "Jonathan Livingston Seagull," which was about that.
Beyond the genius of what he was, he was just a genuinely, genuinely nice person. He got me hooked on movies that I would normally never watch. Fred Astaire movies. All the old classics. I would never, never watch those. I remember my fiancée and I telling him we were getting married, and him just being really excited and actually just offering up the ranch to have our wedding there, because privacy was going to be an issue. We wanted to get married in a church, so that's what we wound up doing. But he made the offer. He was just a genuinely nice person who was exceptionally bright, exceptionally bright, and driven and talented. You mix those things together, man, you have Michael Jackson
Kobe Bryant on Michael Jackson in a special commemorative edition of TIME
“A complicated and complex man…very real with a deep love and appreciation for art, someone who very much embodied the dreams he inspired in others. Michael loved challenge…to think out of the box and run head-on into the most daunting challenges. Everything in Michael’s world was a reflection and companion to the whole…conveying a message and evoking an emotion, stimulating thought. He didn’t believe in the impossible. The appreciation for detail, and for things in life so often taken for granted was part of his magic. He had magic because he truly believed it. He didn’t believe in can’t or won’t. He was a master at hiring the right people for what he needed done, perhaps because he had an uncanny ability to sense the highest potential in others and draw the best out of them. Nothing could stay the same for very long. He just had an eye for things that could work with a little magic added to them. Living with intention and meaning is what motivated Michael. To say that Michael was a perfectionist was an understatement. He absolutely lived for performing live. He put so much into every performance because he wanted it to be THE ONE, THE ONLY, THE MOST AMAZING SHOW ON EARTH. Out of respect for his fans, it had to be full out every time. He was humble, but humility is not the antithesis of knowing the importance of commemorating milestones. Michael took notice of everything. To look like the real thing it had to be the real thing. Michael was a muse, a riddler and a prankster, but most of all, an inventor who refused to believe anything was impossible. Through him, we embraced the same limitless philosophy. HOW FAR CAN WE TAKE THIS…His mind, like the sky, simply knew not the concept of boundaries or limits. Limitations, I learned through him, are either self-imposed or predicated by the limited visions of others. Performance was a life, not a job.”
Michael Bush, MJ stylist
Dream: Greatest Actor, Singer, Dancer of all time and Entertainer, The Best.
Study the great of your field and become Greater.
Know the secrets of your endeavor "The Method"
Mind Target: Control and Influence the subconscious
Best in your field
Be Scientist know. The Great's Method
Try out and then perfect it.
Move Mountains
True Training: A never ending persistence to equal or exceed the performance in your minds eye
Michael Jackson wrote this in the early 80's in his home in Encino California. This really defines how Michael wanted to become the greatest by not only working so hard but also conditioning his mind. First thing that comes to my mind after seeing this is I want to share this amazing writing to everyone especially to young MJ Lovers out there that like Michael, every dream is possible as long as you are willing to put your heart and soul into it. Passionate Michael became THE GREATEST because of he is willing to work so hard (no short cut), to sacrifice and also condition his mind. He fights for his dream. No wonder, everyone looks up to Michael and wanted to be like him. Michael will continue to inspire... It's up to us now how we will fight for our dream like Mike. Or it can never be done :)
"Michael Jackson thinks big; he had large visions. Give up fear, think above and beyond, and do not be afraid to let your light shine in its fullness."
Adele R. McDowell, Ph.D.
Keep The Faith with Lyrics
"I want to continue to grow. To me, the biggest sin of all sins, is to be given a gift, a talent, because it's actually a gift from God, to take that and not cultivate it and make it grow, that's the biggest sin in the world."
Michael Jackson, Ebony Magazine, October 1981
Wesley Snipes said that he once spent three hours speaking with Michael “about metaphysics, psychology, ‘how the black man is treated.´
...we met many times around the world. I met him once in South Africa, and we were sitting in this spacious place. He happened to be there and I happened to be there, and after we started talking we chatted about three hours. And he had a list of books lined up all along the floor. And I looked over and just said, „Mike, people are sending you stuff like that? And he said, „no, thats what I read.“ I mean he had everything, from the autobiography from Malcolm X, to Eat To Live, (Jiddu) Krishnamurty.... I mean, like these exotic books that you would never imagine Michael was down with. And we sat there for three hours man, choppin' it up about all of this, from metaphysics to psychology, about how the black man is treated … I'm telling you, it was a trip. People don't know about Mike on the real. Mike had a consciousness that could blow your mind. And he could recite things that would blow your mind as well... like the street corner stuff, straight up.
Wesley Snipes youtu.be/UPjkgTA2J8Q
"An education opens a person's minds to the entire world. And there is nothing ...more important than to make sure everyone has the opportunity for an education. To want to learn, to have the capacity to learn and not be able is a tragedy."
From Michael Jackson´s speech in the occasion of receiving one of his honorary doctorates, the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters (Latin: Litterarum humanarum doctor; D.H.L.; or L.H.D.) on March 10, 1988
... Contributions for philanthropy and the humanities, an academic discipline that includes not only the arts and science, but literature, history and philosophy as well. Michael Jackson joined a long list of recipients which included: Maya Angelou, Hunter S. Thompson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Booker T. Washington, Georgia O’Keefe, Prince Charles, Eudora Welty, Margaret Thatcher and the Rev. Billy Graham, to name a few.
~ the 44th Annual Event United Negro College Fund
Michael knew that an education was very important. It was widely known he owned over 10,000 books. To help others get a quality education, Michael Jackson established the Michael Jackson Scholarship fund with the United Negro College Fund. He donated $1.5 million #MJHumanitarian
— Michael Jackson (@michaeljackson) February 15, 2019
“I love to read. I wish I could advise more people to read. There’s a whole new world in books. If you can’t afford to travel, you travel mentally through reading. You can see anything and go any place you want to in reading.”
Michael Jackson
"I am just curious about all things, the simplest, things. About what is in a drop of water. I wanted to read about eyelashes one time and found out a whole colony of living things live in our eyelashes. To me that´s amazing. Everything to me is interesting, especially if you start studying the universe and all that. It is just a phenomenal amount of information and I am just astounded by it. It makes me feel ignorant about how much I don´t know The more I find out, the more ignorant I feel. I really do. I realize there is so much to learn. That´s why bookstores amaze me. I can spend hours and hours grabbing books and I come back with boxes of stuff. That´s one of the things I love about my mother. We used to go to the bookstore and spend hours and she let us get whatever we wanted. She let us have it, she never said no. We would read, read, read. I love that. It is just wonderful, isn´t it? I am very curious about everything. There is nothing I am not interested in."
Michael Jackson
"He especially loved books on Hollywood glamour from the 1930s, richly illustrated children's books, and coffee-table books on photography'
Todd Gray author of "Michael Jackson Before He Was King" who was the photographer of this Beautiful photo shoot of Michael as he reads at Encino:
"I remember those times he would read books out loud for me. He would always make sure I understood everything.. and the way he read it out loud and emphasized certain parts made it so much more interesting. Magic."
Omer Bhatti, Michael´s friend, shared this memory from his childhood on Tumblr
"I've always wanted to be able to tell stories, you know, stories that came from my soul. I'd like to sit by a fire and tell people stories—make them see pictures, make them cry and laugh, take them anywhere emotionally with something as deceptively simple as words. I'd like to tell tales to move their souls and transform them. I've always wanted to be able to do that. Imagine how the great writers must feel, knowing they have that power. I sometimes feel I could do it. It's something I'd like to develop. In a way, songwriting uses the same skills, creates the emotional highs and lows, but the story is a sketch. It's quicksilver. There are very few books written on the art of storytelling, how to grip listeners, how to get a group of people together and amuse them. No costumes, no makeup, no nothing, just you and your voice, and your powerful ability to take them anywhere, to transform their lives, if only for minutes."
Michael Jackson in his book Moonwalker
E.T. Storybook narrated by Michael Jackson:
Michael reading to his small children:
"What a lot of people don’t know about Michael is that he was always reading. He was an intelligent man. His favorite poet was Robert Burns and he was obsessed with the novels of Charles Dickens.
He would scour antique bookstores looking for first editions of his work.
He loved Shakespeare and got me into the plays too. He was also fascinated by English history, especially Henry VIII, and loved collecting costumes from that period."
David Gest, music producer and Michael´s lifetime friend
“It was Rose who instilled in me a love of books ,and literature that sustains me today. I read everything I could get my hands on. New cities meant new places to shop. We loved to shop, especially in bookstores and department stores,”
“She taught me the wonderful world of books and reading and I wouldn’t be the same person if it wasn’t for her.”
Michael Jackson talking about his childhood tutor and motherly figure Rose Fine in MJ Tapes
“Few people know that my brother was a bookish nerd, always swotting up on some random subject to better his vocabulary, knowledge, or understanding of life. “I love reading. There is a wonderful world to be discovered in books,” he said. Michael’s early reading material concerned Fred Astaire or Elvis, or child stars Shirley Temple or Sammy Davis Junior. In later years, his reading extended from Steven Spielberg to Alfred Hitchcock, President Reagan to President Roosevelt, Malcolm X to Dr Martin Luther King, and Mussolini to Hitler. I doubt many people would have given him credit for the general knowledge he amassed. Except Rose [Fine.] She always taught us that we can learn from the best by following history’s lessons; that it has left the footprints for us to follow. That is why Michael’s autobiography, Moonwalk, starts with a quote from Thomas Edison:
“When I want to discover something, I begin by reading up everything that has been done along that line in the past – that’s what all these books in the library are for. I see what has been accomplished at great labor and expense in the past. I gather data of many thousands of experiments as a starting point, and then I make thousands more. “The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.”
That quote still stands as the truest reflection of Michael’s approach to his own mastery, and they were the words he actually posted in gold letters to the cloth, coffee brown walls of his sound studio at Hayvenhurst.”
Jermaine Jackson
“And there were places that he liked to sit, and you could see the books with his bookmarks in it, with notes and everything in it where he liked to sit and read. And I can tell you from talking to him that he had a very – especially for someone who was self-taught, as it were, and had his own reading list – he was very well-read. And I don’t want to say that I’m well-read, but I’ve certainly read a lot, let’s put it that way, and I enjoy philosophy and history and everything myself, and it was very nice to talk to him, because he was very intellectual, and he liked to talk about those things. But he didn’t flaunt it, and it was very seldom that he would initiate the conversation like that, but if you got into a conversation like that with him, he was there.”
Bob Sanger, a lawyer
"He was a bookworm. Whenever I saw him, he was usually in the company of a book (never with a magazine or tabloid, of course). He read about photography, history, travel, design, architecture... he was a voracious and well-informed reader."
Aileen Medalla, a teacher of Michael´s children
“On weekends in the city, we often went to the movies or comic book stores, and what I remember most fondly about those visits was that Michael introduced me to the joy of books. I was dyslexic and reading had always been tough for me, but when I complained that I didn’t like to read he said, ‘Well then, you will be dumb and ignorant for the rest of your life. Frank, you can do anything you want in this world, but if you don’t have knowledge, you are nothing. If I gave you a million dollars right now, would you take it? Or, would you want to have the knowledge of how to make that million on your own?’ I knew the correct answer to that question: ‘I’ll take the knowledge.’ Michael said, ‘That’s right, because with knowledge you can make the first million into two.”
Frank Cascio, Michael´s friend
"There is so much around us that we should be thankful for."
Michael Jackson
"I don't relax really. I don't sleep a lot… My mind never stops."
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson - On the line
Michael Jackson - History
"MJ would not stand for mediocrity. I only realized that I had adopted his work ethic a few years after I stopped working for him. Whenever I was tired and my heart was not into my work, I’d find myself thinking about how MJ pushed himself to maintain a high level of quality, and this made me not settle for “good enough” in my photo work. I always strove to achieve the best I was capable of producing, regardless of the circumstance or size of the job. I passed this onto my students over the years as motivation to achieve greater heights than they thought themselves capable. “Shoot for the stars, and if you don’t make it, at least you’ll land on the moon.”
Todd Gray
MJ: “I watch cartoons. I love cartoons. I play video games. Sometimes I read.”
Q: “You mean you read books?”
MJ: “Yeah. I love to read short stories and everything.”
Q: “Any in particular?”
MJ: “Somerset Maugham.. Whitman. Hemingway. Twain.”
"That’s how he filled all those hours by himself: books. He’d read anything and everything he could get his hands on. History. Science. Art. There were so many trips to Barnes & Noble. It was almost a weekly thing. He would go into bookstores and drop five thousand dollars like he was buying a pack of gum. At one point, he actually bought a bookstore—I’m talking about an entire bookstore. He paid cash for it."
Javon Beard in book Remember the time: protecting Michael Jackson in his final days
Some of Michael Jackson´s favourite books
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach:
MJ’s handwritten notes in his copy of Jonathan Livingston Seagull: “For animation create a gull who is a student of Jonathan’s who admires Jonathan’s flying ability but grows jealous and leaves the train to return to the flock to conspire to kill Jonathan Seagull”.
It´s prophetic. Both Robson and Safechuck considered themselves students of MJ. They admired him. But then they grew jealous, and their false "train of thought", and joined Chandler, Arviso and Francia to conspire against him and "kill" his legacy though those false allegations.
Early 20th century illustrator Maxfield Parrish:
I Am My Brother by Peter Seymour:

Satya devi dasi of Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir, Brooklyn, New York, catered prasadam for Michael Jackson at a private dinner for two with a man we know in New York City.
He was offered Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita and said he already had the Bhagavad-gita and when the Host asked if it was Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita, Michael Jackson said yes, it was. He was then presented with a Krishna Art book, of the first Krishna Art print-run, and he looked through the illustrations and said he liked the paintings. He took that Krishna Art book home.
He was one of the few fortunate persons in this world to honor Sri Sri Radha Govindadeva's Maha-prasdam. He enjoyed Radha Govinda's world famous Maha pradasam Burfi and other Mangal arati sweets. He got Satya's gourmet prasadam cooking for dinner on two consecutive evenings. At the dinner table, he discussed reincarnation and karma with the host.
Satya said he was very nice, soft spoken, and friendly. At that time, he was staying in a luxury Suite at the Waldorf Astoria with his daughter Paris and first son, Prince Michael. His second son, Blanket, was not born yet. At that time, Michael Jackson was in New York to receive a Bollywood Lifetime Achievement Award.
"Weapons cannot cleave it, fire cannot burn it, water cannot wet it." - Bhagavad Gita
"You cannot cleave it, you cannot wet it, you cannot burn it." - In The Closet, MJ
“Curving back within myself I create again and again.” - Bhagavad Gita
“Curving back within yourself - Just create... just create“ - Are You Listening, MJ, Dancing The Dream
Chapter 13 of the Bhagavad Gita is entitled "The Knower And The Known"
"I become the Knower and the Known." - The Dance, MJ, Dancing The Dream
“There has never been a time when you and I have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist." - Bhagavad Gita
"There never was a time When I was not Or you were not There never will be a time When we will cease to be" - Heaven Is here, MJ, Dancing The Dream
Here is a list with some of Michael’s favorite books:
Peter Pan, by J.M Barrie
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
The Old Man And The Sea, by Ernest Hemingway
Rip Van Winkle, by Washington Irving
The Verger, by Somerset Maugham
The Complete Works of O. Henry
The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame
The Red Balloon, by Albert Lamorisse
They Cage the Animals at Night, by Jennings Michael Burch
The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein
Complete Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, by Edgar Allan Poe
The 48 Laws Of Power, by Robert Greene
As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen
The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale
The Gift of Acabar, by Og Mandino
Leaders Of Men: Types And Principles Of Success, As Illustrated In The Lives And Careers Of Famous Americans Of The Present day, by Henry Woldmar Ruoff
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
Your Creative Power, by Alex Osborn
Reach Out for a New Life, by Robert Harold Schuller
Hagakure: The Book Of The Samurai, by T. Yamamoto
365 Exercises For The Mind, by Pierre Berloquin
Books by Sri Aurobindo
Books by Kalki Krishnamurthy
Aid To Bible Understanding
Malcolm X, by Alex Haley
The Negro Caravan, by Sterling A. Brown
Black Heroes of The 20th Century, by Jessie Carney Smith
Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America, by James Allen
Black in America, by Eli Reed
King: A Photobiography of Martin Luther King Jnr, by Charles Johnson, Bob Adelman
In Praise of Black Women, Volume 1: Ancient African Queens, by Simone Schwarz-Bart
The Face of Our Past: Images of Black Women from Colonial America to the Present, by Kathleen Thompson and Hilary MacAustin
Brown Sugar: Over 80 Years of America’s Black Female Superstars
Before the Mayflower, by Lerone Bennet Jr
How To Eat To Live by Elijah Muhammad
The White Problem in America, by JET magazine authors
Reflections in Black, by Deborah Willis
The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality? by Cheikh Anta Diop (1989)
Black Dance in America: A History Through Its People, by James Haskins (1990)
The Hotel Book: Great Escapes Africa
The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran
Robert Burns poems - “Ae Fond Kiss, And Then We Sever”, “Tom O’Shanter”
Poetry by Rabindranath Tagore
Sufi Poetry
Thoughts of Love: A Collection of Poems on Love, by Susan Polis Schutz
The Children’s Hour, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Tyger, by William Blake
The Bridge of Sighs, by Thomas Hood
Abraham Lincoln, by Carl Sandburg
Lincoln’s Devotional, by Carl Sandburg
James Dean: An American Icon, by David Loehr
My Life in Pictures, by Charlie Chaplin
Lennon in America: 1971-1980, Based in Part on the Lost Lennon Diaries, by Geoffery Giuliano
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics, by Alan Aldridge
Glass Onion: The Beatles In Their Own Words, by Geoffrey Giuliano
The Lost Lennon Interviews, by Giuliano
Things We Said Today: Conversations with the Beatles, by Geoffrey Giuliano
Elvis Day By Day, by Peter Guralnick
The Rolling Stones: A Life on the Road
Bruce Lee: The Celebrated life of the Golden Dragon, by John Little
Elia Kazan: A Life, by Elia Kazan
Songs My Mother Taught Me, by Marlon Brando
Steps In Time, by Fred Astaire
My Autobiography, by Charlie Chaplin
Goldwyn: A Biography by A. Scott Berg
Kindly Leave the Stage: Story of Variety, by Roger Wilmut
Duse: A Biography, by William Weaver
The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences, by Sir Frederick Treves
The Soulful Divas: Personal Portraits of Over a Dozen Divine Divas, from Nina Simone, Aretha Franklin & Diana Ross to Patti Labelle, Whitney Houston & Janet Jackson
White Nights: The Story Of A Prisoner In Russia, by Menachem Begin
The Rest Of Us: The Rise Of America’s Eastern European Jews, by Stephen Birmingham
Blues Who’s Who: A Biographical Dictionary of Blues Singers, by Sheldon Harris
The Billboard Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock: Expanded and Updated Edition, by Colin Larkin
Stravinsky In The Theater, by Minna Lederman
Recording Studio Design, by Phillip Newell
The Art Of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse To The Magic Kingdoms
Walt Disney’s Treasury of Children’s Classics
Mickey Mouse by Pierre Lambert
The Quotable Walt Disney
Discover Walt: The Magical Life of Walt Disney
Disney’s World: A Biography, by Leonard Moslev
Walt Disney: An American Original
Walt Disney: Famous Quotes
Of Mice And Magic: A History of American Animated Cartoons, by Leonard Maltin
The Updated Official Encyclopedia: Disney A to Z
The Complete Films of Cecil B. Demille, By Gene Ringgold
A Pictorial History of Horror Movies, by Denis Gifford
Acting Class, by Milton Katselas
MGM’s Greatest Musicals, by Hugh Fordin
70 Years of the Oscar: The Official History of the Academy Awards by Robert A. Osborne
Costumes By Karinska, by Toni Bentley
Stage Costume Advice
Love of a Glove, by CC Collins 1945
Scenic design
Costume Cavalcade
The History Of Costume
Animal Language, by Michael Bright
Kids at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor Paperback, by Lewis Hine
Lewis W. Hine: The Empire State Building by Lewis Hine
Planet Vegas : A Portrait of Las Vegas by 20 of the World’s Leading Photographers: Rick Browne, James Marshall
Hurrell Hollywood: Photographs 1928-1990
The Art Book, by Phaidon
Going East: Two Decades of Asian Photography, by Max Pam
Skinhead (1982), by Nick Knight
The Art of WALL.E, by Tim Hauser
Source of the list: iminvinciblex.tumblr.com/tagged/stories?og=1&fbclid=IwAR2FIwKWUj8Ctd40Hg6_v_dhprM1EmgCblWks37qYsEoa3mngOBmcNdm1Dk
In 1993, Michael wrote the introduction to a cookbook for families published by Neiman Marcus, Pigtails and Frog Legs. The book was illustrated by legendary Warner Bros. Cartoon artist Chuck Jones. Below is also Jones’ portrayal of Michael.

To a child, food is something special. It isn’t just a delicious taste or the vitamins that build a healthy body. Food is love and caring, security and hope — all the things that a food family can provide. Remember when you were little and your mother made a pie for you? When she cut a slice and put it on your plate, she was giving you a bit of herself, in the form of her love. She made your hunger go away, and when you were full and satisfied, everything seemed all right. Because that satisfied feeling was in the pie, you were nourished from a deep level. Food is something we all need physically, but so is love, the deeper nourishment, that turns into who we are.
Think about how necessary it is to nourish a child with a bit of yourself when you use this book. It is full of delicious things. Every recipe has an extra ingredient of caring, because the people who wrote them were thinking of the children. They were specially thinking of those who aren’t able to take nourishment for granted because they are poor, sick or disabled. These are the children who need food to heal. The theme of ‘Heal the World’, which has been close to my heart, is the central theme of this book, also. Here are recipes for the spirit. Please make them with that in mind. Your child is growing spirit that can be knit strong with love. When you break an egg and measure a cup of flour, you are magically mixing the gift of life. The food’s proteins and minerals will turn into bones and muscles, but your feeling as you cook will turn directly into a soul.
It makes me happy to think that the needs of children’s spirits are at last becoming important in this world. Children have no power to end wars directly or to mend age-old differences.
All they can do is be themselves, to shine with gratitude and joy when love is turned their way. Yet isn’t that ultimately the greatest power? In the eyes of a child you become the source of joy, which lifts you into the special category of caregiver and life-provider. You may think that your apple pie has only sugar and spice in it. A child is wiser — with the first bite, he knows that this special dish is the essence of your love.
— Michael Jackson, 1993