MJ and Princess Diana

Královna lidských srdcí, princezna Diana, se s Michaelem setkala 16. července 1988, kdy spolu se svým tehdejším manželem, princem Charlesem, navštívila stadion Wembley na Michaelově turné Bad. Michael Jackson tehdy věnoval 150 000 £ na charitu Prince's Trust zaměřenou na mládež a dalších 100 000 £ na dětskou charitu v londýnské nemocnici Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Michael a Diana se tehdy spřátelili. Oba patřili mezi nejslavnější a nejvíce pronásledované lidi na světě, měli problémy s novináři a sdíleli nadšení pro charitativní práci.

Televizní přenosy jejich pohřbů pak byly nejsledovanější v historii. Pohřeb princezny Diany dne 6.9.1997 sledovalo 33.2 milionů lidí. Na pohřeb Michaela Jacksona se pak 7.7.2009 dívalo 31 milionů lidí.

"Byli jsme si velmi blízcí. Byla si extrémně blízcí přes telefon... Stále jsem byl ženatý s Lisou Marií. Diana mě budila obvykle pozdě v noci ... většinou po třetí ráno! A pak mě celé hodiny držela na telefonu. Mluvila o dětech, tisku.“
~ Michael Jackson 1999
~ Michael Jackson 1999

„Byla jedním z nejsladších lidí, jaké jsem kdy poznal, protože jsme se měli mnoho společného. Sdíleli jsme něco společného s tiskem. Nemyslím si, že někoho pronásledovali víc než jí a mě. A měli jsme vztah, kde jsme si navzájem říkali pozdě v noci… jen si navzájem plakali na bedrech, jak těžké, složité a zlé mohou být bulvární plátky.“
~ Michael Jackson 2003
~ Michael Jackson 2003

„Největší choroba dnešních dob je, že lidé se necítí být milovaní.“
~ Princezna Diana
~ Princezna Diana

„Každý potřebuje lásku a pokud se mu nedostane, může se cítit na tomto světě zbytečný.“
~ Princezna Diana
~ Princezna Diana

"... Kamkoli jdete, v každé zemi, na každém kontinentu, lidé touží a prahnou po jediné věci - milovat a být milován.
~ Michael Jackson
~ Michael Jackson

"Základnou lidského vědění, začátkem lidského vědomí, musí být to, že naprosto každý z nás je milován."
~ Michael Jackson

By the time Diana was killed they were so close that Jackson spent thousands of
pounds a month on the phone chatting to and advising her. Which is why the shocking
and sudden nature of her death came as a terrible blow to the pop legend. His eyes
brimming with tears, Jackson admitted: "I had a concert on the day the news broke
and my doctor woke me up to tell me Diana was dead.
"I literally collapsed, I fainted. He had to give me smelling salts to revive me and I
cancelled my show because I simply could not perform.
"I just broke down. I wept and wept for weeks afterwards."
Jackson's grief was made worse by the fact that he was also a friend of Dodi Fayed.
"They were a match made in heaven," he says. "I thought they were so beautiful
"It was lovely to see them like that. Diana was a wonderful person with such a good
heart. She went round the world as a philanthropist just like Mother Teresa. She
proved that she really, really cared about people and children especially. The way that
I do."
pounds a month on the phone chatting to and advising her. Which is why the shocking
and sudden nature of her death came as a terrible blow to the pop legend. His eyes
brimming with tears, Jackson admitted: "I had a concert on the day the news broke
and my doctor woke me up to tell me Diana was dead.
"I literally collapsed, I fainted. He had to give me smelling salts to revive me and I
cancelled my show because I simply could not perform.
"I just broke down. I wept and wept for weeks afterwards."
Jackson's grief was made worse by the fact that he was also a friend of Dodi Fayed.
"They were a match made in heaven," he says. "I thought they were so beautiful
"It was lovely to see them like that. Diana was a wonderful person with such a good
heart. She went round the world as a philanthropist just like Mother Teresa. She
proved that she really, really cared about people and children especially. The way that
I do."

"She used to confide in me. She'd just call me on the phone and we would talk about
everything that was happening in her life. The press were hard on her in the same way
they were hard on me and she needed to talk to someone who knew exactly what she
was going through.
"She felt hunted in the way I've felt hunted. Trapped, if you like. You can't talk about
that to your neighbor because how would they ever understand?
"No normal person could possibly understand, could they? I've had that attention
since I was a kid, whereas Diana had it suddenly thrust upon her at the age of 19.
"I've had it all my life so I had the experience to tell her how to handle it.
"I just said to her, 'Rise above it all'. I'd tell her how I would go on stage sometimes in
the worst pain - either emotionally, or physically with something like a toothache, and
I would put whatever it was out of my mind and perform.
"I'd say, 'Be strong and be determined and nobody can hurt you. Only you can hurt
yourself - so be defiant'. I think she appreciated it and got something from my words.
I think I was able to comfort her.
Read more: https://www.truemichaeljackson.com/interviews/the-mirror-1999/
everything that was happening in her life. The press were hard on her in the same way
they were hard on me and she needed to talk to someone who knew exactly what she
was going through.
"She felt hunted in the way I've felt hunted. Trapped, if you like. You can't talk about
that to your neighbor because how would they ever understand?
"No normal person could possibly understand, could they? I've had that attention
since I was a kid, whereas Diana had it suddenly thrust upon her at the age of 19.
"I've had it all my life so I had the experience to tell her how to handle it.
"I just said to her, 'Rise above it all'. I'd tell her how I would go on stage sometimes in
the worst pain - either emotionally, or physically with something like a toothache, and
I would put whatever it was out of my mind and perform.
"I'd say, 'Be strong and be determined and nobody can hurt you. Only you can hurt
yourself - so be defiant'. I think she appreciated it and got something from my words.
I think I was able to comfort her.
Read more: https://www.truemichaeljackson.com/interviews/the-mirror-1999/

"I adored Diana. We talked so many times, much more than people realized.
"When I heard about the paparazzi chasing her, I just thought how lucky I was that it
had never happened to me because I've been chased the same way so many times and
you always wonder.
"Diana's death was the saddest I've ever felt - it reminded me of when Kennedy died.
It broke my heart so much, I just cried and cried."
Jackson has never met Princes William and Harry. But he says: "Diana desperately
wanted me to meet her children and we talked about it many times, but I never did get
the chance.
Read more: https://www.truemichaeljackson.com/interviews/the-mirror-1999/
"When I heard about the paparazzi chasing her, I just thought how lucky I was that it
had never happened to me because I've been chased the same way so many times and
you always wonder.
"Diana's death was the saddest I've ever felt - it reminded me of when Kennedy died.
It broke my heart so much, I just cried and cried."
Jackson has never met Princes William and Harry. But he says: "Diana desperately
wanted me to meet her children and we talked about it many times, but I never did get
the chance.
Read more: https://www.truemichaeljackson.com/interviews/the-mirror-1999/