Movies and Photography
"What you don´t know about me is how much I love film and art and I want to direct so badly. I could scream, I want to show the world through the eyes of a child because I understand them so much. Their pain and their joy and their laughter and what hurts them. And I see the world through their eyes and I want to portrait that on film. That´s my real passion. I love it. It´s too much."
Michael Jackson
I very, very seldom write letters, but in this moving occasion I couldn’t help myself.
I want to thank you for putting the effort forward to capture the magic and excitement of the people of the world. What you do is a very personal and powerful medium to me. It is the art of stopping time, to perserve a moment that the naked eye cannot hold, to capture truth spontaneous truth, the depths of excitement in human spirt. All else will be forgotten, but not the films. Generations from now will experience the excitement you’ve captured; it truly is a time capsule.
I will not be totally satisfied until I know you’re at the right angle at the right time, to capture a crescendo of emotion that happens so quickly, so spontaeously. What you have done was good, but I want the best, the whole picture, cause and effect. I want crowd reaction wide lens shots – depths of emotions, timing. I know we can do it. It is my dream and goal to capture TRUTH. We should dedicate ourselves to this. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. There is no other way to perfection than dedication, perseverance. Just tell us what you need to make it happen. Take the leadership to direct the other cameramen.
Michael Jackson in Three-page handwritten letter from Michael Jackson to William Pecchi Jr., written on Capitol Tokyu Hotel stationary c. 1988.
Pecchi was a camera operator on Jackson’s film Moonwalker (Ultimate Productions, 1988). After Moonwalker, Pecchi was asked to travel abroad with Jackson during the Bad tour. Pecchi rode to and from venues to capture the crowd’s reaction to Jackson. (The whole original letter is on a different place in this website)
Small story about MJ and photography:

Interviews with MJ´s personal photographers:
Interviews around photoshoots:
The MJCast 118: Steven Paul Whitsitt Special
A few HD photos from various photoshoots:
Henry Diltz - Michael Jackson 1971

King Photoshoot By Matthew Rolston, 1984

Greg Gorman - Michael Jackson Seated, Contemporary, Celebrity, Photography, 1987
Annie Leibovitz - Michael Jackson Vanity Fair Photoshoot, 1989
Interview with the team of paparazzi who took the now infamous final photograph of Michael Jackson: